Crisis Consult
Kian Foundation provides professional assistance to Persian speaking individuals in three main domains:
1- Remote consultation: Physicians and mental health professionals at Kian Foundation are available to respond to health related questions of Persian speaking people in crises all around the world. Any Persian speaking individual without access to healthcare for any reason can contact Kian Foundation to get connected to physicians and psychologists, and ask their health related question to get guidance. Questions can be asked anonymously and no identifier will be asked to protect privacy. Physicians from various specialties including emergency medicine, surgery, internal medicine, neurology, and psychiatry are available to answer these questions within 24 hours.
To ask questions related to your health and mental health send a text to @kian_doctor_bot at telegram.
2- Trauma-informed psychotherapy: Recognizing the significant impact of stress and trauma on mental health and the challenges of accessing mental health professionals for people in crises, Kian Foundation has gathered resources to connect those who need psychotherapy treatment with Persian speaking psychotherapists around the world trained in trauma-informed psychotherapy. For those unable to afford the cost of the treatment, Kian Foundation offers financial assistance to cover the cost of psychotherapy treatment.
To ask questions related to your health and mental health send a text to @kian_doctor_bot at telegram.
3- Legal consultation: Kian foundation lawyers are available to answer questions related to legal issues for people in crises who lack access to legal representation.
How to connect: To ask questions related to legal issues send a text message to @kian_vakil_bot at telegram.